It's Tuesday! Time for the Blogger Showcase!!

Today, I want to spotlight someone I have been following for quite some time. Angela at My Year Without Spending has spent many months being seriously devoted to something called The Compact, an amazing idea where one carefully considers each purchase made, focusing on reusing, recycling, borrowing, bartering (and going without in some cases), in order to ease the economical and ecological burden of ourselves and our society. Angela talks about joining a CSA, de-cluttering, and learning how to cook meatless Mondays. She has highlighted other friends who have purchased clothing at their local second-hand stores in her weekly Thursday posts titled, "Thrifty Threads".
Angela has also introduced me (and many others) to this idea of the 'baby steps challenge' toward simplicity. She has set herself the goal of becoming more mindful of how she treads upon the earth, but to get there, she recognized that she needed to master several smaller steps in order to be successful. So far, her monthly goals have included:
- Eliminate junk mail
- Air-drying her laundry
- Composting
- Eliminate hazardous household chemicals
What I love about Angela is rather than only shout out about all the great things she's doing to 'save the earth' (although she really IS doing so many great things to save the earth), she talks about how hard it is. She talks about major changes she has had to make in order to live with her decision to remain true to the Compact. She talks about how it used to be, how it is now, and how she sees it in the future. A real perspective, from a real person. I like that, and I really appreciate that.
Go visit Angela at My Year Without Spending. I think you'll be glad you did.
Keep the great ideas coming Angela!
Hi Jill,
I just went over to check out her awesome...what an incredible goal!!!
even if we all just reduced by a percentage, imagine what a difference we'd make!!
Have you ever watched "The Story of Stuff?"
Ah, thanks Jill!
It's so nice what you wrote about me and my blog. Thanks so much. I'm so happy to know I come across as a real person.
I hope you'll come back. Part of my goal is to show people that I'm just a regular person, and really anyone can do what I'm doing.
The Story of Stuff has probably had the biggest impact of anything I've experienced this year- it really all came together for me with that video. Things that had been rolling around in my head for a long time, all the connections were made there.
Thanks again Jill! I'm out of granola and it's too hot to turn on the oven, and I always think of you when I make it! Plus I'm really excited about the salsa.
Angela's blog is interesting and full of great ideas. Thanks for showcasing her!
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