Saturday, January 9, 2010

Body Challenge 2010 Weekly Update

I have chosen Saturdays as my weigh in day - not just for the scale, but also a check in for how I feel, how my clothes fit, how my behind fits in theater seats ;).  Not your usual day for a check in, as who wants to be bothered by all this on a weekend?   I typically overeat on Friday night to relieve the stress of the week.  I come home on Fridays around 2pm from work and begin with a late lunch, then snack until pizza dinner (homemade and gluten free) followed by a treat of some sort.  But I chose Saturday for this particular reason.  I really want to keep my urges in check.  Yesterday, it worked for the most part.  I still came home around 2, needing a lunch and starving by that point (note to self - pack food to eat between music sessions - duh!), but once I ate, I reminded myself that the next day was a check in point for me, and I needed to be mindful.  And mindful I was -  with no snacking, only a small bit of pizza and no 'treat' after (as I was full and not really needing it).

So with a bit of trepidation, and quite a bit of wonderment, I got on the scale - and... drum roll, please...

I lost 3 pounds!

Wow.  Here I thought I was making all the wrong choices, but I suppose I was doing alright.  What I have been doing is listening to my inner hunger.  You know, that voice that says (screams) "I'm really hungry" when it's really saying, "Feed me some love".  I've been trying a mish-mash of a few different philosophies: a little from Geneen Roth (Feeding the Hungry Heart), Diana Schwarzbein (The Schwarzbein Principle), and Ann Louise Gittleman (The Fat Flush Plan).

I appreciate each of these programs for what they offer because I am primarily rule-bound and like to follow a plan (Never say 'diet'), but also feel I need a combination of ideas to satisfy the part of me that hates rules.  Combining these approaches has also helped me be a little kinder to myself, gentler with the criticism (there's no falling off the wagon, here) and hopefully will keep me going for the long haul.

Another part which is so tremendous is the support I get from family and friends.  For the first time ever, I have shared with people (and now the public) how much I weigh, and what my weight loss goal is.  I have forever kept it hidden for fear that people will judge and dislike me for my weaknesses.  Well, people will judge.  That's what we do, whether we know or not.  I stand on line at the grocery store and look at what other people are buying - don't you?  At the library, I look at what books others are checking out - do you?  You can say it's all information gathering, but I know a little judgement goes on in my head - not proud of it, but there it is.  Happily, what I have found with my announcement (online and in person) regarding my plan to lose 100 pounds is that people are supportive and loving.  Thank you my friends, for being so wonderful.


Dogwood said...

YOU ARE A ROCK STAR. I am so proud of you for loosing 3lbs. That is wonderful. Friday nights are hard since that if the end of the work week. Sounds like you are learning to beat that problem.

Have a really nice weekend.


Way to GO!!! I'm trying to cut out sweets,candy, cake...etc...and will start weighing myself at the workout place on Fridays!!
I'm going to check out the Dave Ramsey book.
Have you started your ATC card...I haven't and guess I better get going!
Deb :)

Stacy said...

Congrats on losing three pounds! That's wonderful, Jill. It sounds like you are doing great listening to your body and being mindful of what it is asking for. You are inspiring me.

Jill said...

Oh you are all such wonderful friends! What would I do without my ATC Gals????

Angela said...

You go, girl!
I think you're going to succeed at your goal. You're doing all the "right" things: making a public commitment after realizing how important it is to you, setting up a system, and then rewarding yourself with non-food treats.

Also, personally I think it works better to not cut out things you love- like pizza- but instead to eat less of them and make them more of a special thing.

Great job!