Sunday, January 24, 2010

Just Like Pamela Says

It's Amazing!

A few years ago, I tried this gluten-free bread mix at my mother's house.  Being that several of us are gluten free in our whole family, she took great pains to feed us food that was safe the whole time we visited.  One was this incredible bread made from Pamela's Wheat Free bread mix.  The whole house smelled of a yeasty, wheaty bread the whole day.  I was certain someone was trying to torture me with that scent - fresh bread is something I yearn for to this day.  You can imagine my frustration when I returned to the East Coast and could not find any packages at any of my local haunts.

Just Friday at my local Whole Foods, I found the package - just one.  As if it was just sitting there waiting for me.  Oh wow, did I grab that package fast and get to the checkout!  Considering a loaf of rock-hard, frozen, gluten free bread costs close to $7, and lasts us about a week, I was thrilled to pay the $4.99 for the bag.

Last night I had the opportunity to make the bread mix.  We had our very good friends over for game night, and I served gluten-free/dairy-free lasagna and herbed pork chops.  They brought french bread for the glutinivorous folks, and I needed something to satisfy the rest of us.  I opened up the cupboard and I swear a light shone down onto my little package of Pamela's bread mix.  I made rolls within just a few minutes, let them rise and baked them into the sweetest little breads you can imagine.  In fact, they were so wheat-like that my husband (also gluten-sensitive) avoided them for most of the dinner.  I had to say - "Go ahead, honey.  They're safe."  He was smitten after the first bite.  An added plus was that they held their shape without crumbling overnight (oh so common with gluten-free foods), and turned out great for breakfast with jam and honey.

I think I need to go back to the store and stock up.  It would be crazy not to.


Linda said...

This bread mix sounds absolutely wonderful!! I wish we had it here in South Africa. It must have been amazing to find that one packet:)

Stacy said...

Yum, those rolls sounds delicious. Some of my family members are sensitive to gluten, so we always have GF dishes at our get togethers. How funny that there was just one Pamela's mix at Whole Foods-- it was as if it was left there just for you!

ImplausibleYarn said...

I think amazon also sells though bread mixes and I think I just got some sort of e-mail about a sale on organic groceries. I just found your blog and its great! you articulate the way I feel sometimes about my own relationship with food and clutter. Thanks for sharing.

Jill said...

Hi Implausible! Welcome to this blog. It's great to have you.

It's great to know that Amazon has a sale on organic foods - hopefully the shipping will make it worth it!!

Alea Milham said...

I think Pamela's products are the best at duplicating the taste and feel that we are accustomed to in wheat products. I serve them all the time to my friends who can eat gluten and they rave about them.