Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Keeping the Balls in the Air

When I was in Vietnam recently, I vowed that I would not come home to a stressful, busy life.  Well, I've been home for just over a week, and I'm already swimming.  It's mostly due to my boys going in opposite directions, but I have to say I think it boils down to organization.  For example, had I put it on the calendar, I would have planned for the concert tonight. Both boys play horns in the school bands, and are required to wear white shirts and black pants.  Well, you'd think we had plenty of those lying around, but gosh darn it, these boys are going to be giants with the way they've been growing!  Several weeks ago, I decided to get our clothing at the thrift store, and for the most part totally enjoy that.  But today, I didn't have the time to search rack after rack for the necessary white/black combinations and couldn't come up empty handed.  So off to Target I went.  And what a speedy-gonzales shopping trip that was.  So then we have a fencing (the 3 Muskateers kind, not the pasture kind) tournament this weekend.  I have to basically find every piece of paper that says my younger son is really who he says he is, in addition to every official fencing paper we've ever received, just to fence for the day.  My goodness - I went through less red tape just to get to Vietnam for 2 weeks.  Yikes - the kid's just going to fence!  well, if you've seen my filing system, you'd know I pretty much don't have one.  So surprise, surprise.  It takes me much, much longer than it should to find anything paperwork oriented.  I can feel the balls just dancing over my head - I just hope they won't drop.  As a mother, I hold so much pertinent information way up in my head.  going to Vietnam meant I had to write much of it down to help my husband make heads or tails of the schedule, etc.  I was pretty amazed at how much I - all of us, really - do to make each day happen.  So I'm wondering, what one thing can I do to make tomorrow easier?  I can make lunches tonight.  So that's what I will do.  This will allow me just one more moment to spend with my family - maybe one more cup of decaf will help me celebrate another day.  How about you - what are you doing to make your day a little easier?


Anonymous said...

I make a calendar on the computer and all events are color coded to each person involved. Then I print it and post it on the refrigerator. This works so well. Everyone knows what everyone else is doing, plus I get it out of my head!

Anonymous said...

I remember making up a lot of different sandwiches (without egg or mayonaise) wrapping them in individual plastic baggies and freezing them. We also put granola, popcorn or snack mix into baggies in a basket on the counter. (Children do this at odd times, like when Mom is cooking dinner and they have time to talk in the kitchen). Juices or water bottles were stored nearby. In the morning, children make their own lunches choosing napkins, sandwiches, snack, fruit and drink of their liking. A check with Mom or Dad to see that all was complete, and off they go! Reverse happens when they get home, wrappers are recycled, lunch containers wiped out and ready for tomorrow.